Introductory text to promote the sponsoring of panels on the Quilt that Doreen has made. Include things like how it was made, what fabris have been used. Where it is at the moment and where will it end up.

201, Robert Thain

Introductory text to promote the sponsoring of panels on the Quilt that Doreen has made. Include things like how it was made, what fabris have been used. Where it is at the moment and where will it end up.
201, Robert Thain
Dear Friends For all of us, privately and publicly, 2024 will have been a mixed year. Years are always like that....
Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the coming, or birth of...
Editor: The Rev Michael Burgess looks at great works of music. Surely angels play Mozart at home The German...
Autumn Ladies recommenced on Wednesday 11th September. Our guest speaker was Frank Roy from the Lanarkshire Cancer...
This year is the 30th anniversary of the Fairtrade mark, and as part of Fairtrade Fortnight in September I attended...
Over the summer I bought a little bird bath and feeder for the communal garden to the side of my block of flats. It...