Stained Glass Windows

Oct 6, 2011

Some of the most striking features of Christ Church  are the stained glass windows. The newest ones were made by Pauline Payne, who was an art teacher at Lanark Grammar School in the 1960s. Some of the windows introduce you to the main saints that worked and lived in Scotland and the others tell you stories from the bible. If you click your cursor on each picture it will enlarge and give you more detail about each window.

In the side chapel are two double windows. The first shows the annunciation and the second shows Mary and Joseph with the infant Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem. The shepherds have arrived to worship the new king. Beside the organ is a large window shoeing Mary and Jesus flanked by the two Celtic saints, Mungo and Ninian.

One of the most beautiful windows by Pauline Payne is in the Apse beside the altar and shows the risen Christ. Behind the choir stalls is a mysterious window which may show Mary Magdalene and St Veronica. The other large window in this part of the church is of St John and St Andrew.

Then we have two more ‘Pauline Payne’ windows showing Celtic saints. The first is of Saint Columba and Saint Margaret and the second is Saint Aidan and St Cuthbert.

Finally at the West end of the church we have a magnificent window showing The Resurrection.


Autumn Ladies

Autumn Ladies

Autumn Ladies resumed on the 15th January in the Church Hall and it was great to see some new faces. If you would like to join...