The Church Year

Oct 6, 2011



As well as our usual Sunday services and Christmas, Easter and Harvest services, we have different forms of service at various times in the year.

One of the most popular is the Midsummer Outdoor Service followed by a barbecue. This is always well attended and we have always been lucky with the weather.

The Christingle Service in the week before Christmas is a highlight of our church year and it is usually standing room only as so many people wish to attend. After an incident of singed hair, we now give out electric Christingle candles which are specially imported from Sweden by our previous Rector!

Our regular Celtic Evensong services are lovely and calm, especially when the Harp Group is participating.

Autumn Ladies

Autumn Ladies

The group started the new autumn season by inviting Pauline and Eileen to tell us about the Alpacas which they keep on their...

Forthcoming Ordinations

Forthcoming Ordinations

As a note in our update from the Diocese we saw that Jackie Fenton who was with us until recently will be ordained Deacon on...