Provincial Youth News

Jun 5, 2024

The Provincial Youth Coordinator is refreshing the way in which Youth news is shared with the Province. If any of the following apply to you, please sign up to the new Provincial Youth mailing list today! Are you a lay person, an ordinand or a member of the clergy who would like to know about the latest ideas, resources and training for youth & children’s ministry? Are you a young adult interested in opportunities offered by the SEC, such as pilgrimages and international events? Do you want to tell teenagers in your family or church about Yeek and other Provincial youth events throughout the year? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these, please sign up here.

Here’s a sample of the sort of things that will appear in the re-vamped newsletter:

Provincial Youth Sleepover – 22-23 June in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane

The latest exciting weekend event for teenagers in the Scottish Episcopal Church will feature a trip to the theatre at Lochgelly and a sleepover at Holy Trinity Dunfermline. All families are welcome to join us for worship at Holy Trinity Dunfermline on Sunday 23 June: the service starts at 11am, and our young people will be helping to lead it. Young people from ALL dioceses are welcome. Please find full details and booking form here.The deadline to sign up for this event is 17 June. Questions? Contact the Youth Officer, James Gardner:

Yeek bookings – keep ‘em coming!

This year’s Yeek (Provincial Youth Week) looks like being a bumper year! It runs from 28 July to 3 August and we have delegates booked from all over Scotland, including the islands. If you know a teenager connected to your church, don’t let them miss out! Booking remains open until 1 July and you can find everything you need to know here.

Off the beaten track in Glen Esk – Provincial Pilgrimage for young adults 16-18 August 2024

Following the success of the Iona pilgrimages last year, the Provincial Youth Committee (PYC) has asked for more regular opportunities to make pilgrimages and retreats together. We are pleased to announce this weekend retreat for young adult Scottish Episcopalians who would like to take time out with God and each other in the wild and beautiful surroundings of Glen Esk. We welcome applications from those aged 18-25(ish). It will be led by the Provincial Youth Coordinator, Claire Benton-Evans, and the PYC Convener, Rev Tembu Rongong. Full details and application form can be found hereDeadline 23 June. Please contact Claire if you have any questions:

Free transport to the Solas Festival, 15 June – offer valid till 7 June

This offer is for churches and for other people whom you wish to invite from your local communities.  Young people are especially welcome.

The Solas Festival in Perthshire is just around the corner: it offers a mix of music, arts, wellbeing, discussions and workshops. There is a strong faith and spirituality element, too. Visit the Solas website here and find out more about the faith strand here. This year, funding from the Anchor Foundation makes it possible for Solas to offer free transport for people from church communities from Glasgow (and depending on demand, Edinburgh) on Saturday 15 June. You will need to buy a day ticket for the festival (or if you’re over 18, be a volunteer steward and go for free). For more information or to book your place, please contact by lunchtime on 7 June. 

Happy Retirement!

Happy Retirement!

Bobby (Burgon) has now retired after 11 years as Diocesan Treasurer. The job involved looking after Diocesan accounts and...