Pot Luck Supper to Welcome Our New Rector and his Wife

May 2, 2016

The Feast to Welcome Drew and Teresa 

(a One-Off Celebration in the Christ Church Year)

We were all delighted to welcome Drew and Teresa to our Family Service on Sunday 10th April and then to be able to follow up that initial introduction with a full-scale Pot Luck Welcome Supper on Friday 22nd.

The tables of food were sagging under the weight of the congregation’s generous portions of scrumptious food as the Sheridans arrived, and Drew pronounced the Selkirk Grace to start the feasting.  There were no speeches but personal getting-to-know-yous as Drew and Teresa circulated around the tables to meet us all and to tell us how much they looked forward to coming to Christ Church and moving into The Rectory.

Thanks to the Caterers and Organisers, the floral decorations and the Harpies’ music for a wonderful evening which promises so much for the next chapter in Christ Church’s life and development.

Happy Retirement!

Happy Retirement!

Bobby (Burgon) has now retired after 11 years as Diocesan Treasurer. The job involved looking after Diocesan accounts and...