Notices for Sunday – (Trinity Sunday) – (26 May 2024) and the week ahead.

May 24, 2024


Christ Church Lanark – Sunday 26 May 2024 (Trinity Sunday) – Sung Eucharist – 10.30 am

Teas and Coffees will be served in the hall after the service.

Holy Trinity Lamington – Sunday 26 May 2024 (Trinity Sunday) – Eucharist – 10.30 am

There will be no teas and coffees after the service this month.

Preacher & President

This Sunday, at Christ Church Lanark, Lay Reader Rob Thain will preside and The Revd Liz Clelland will preach.

At Holy Trinity Lamington, I will preside and preach.


The Steward on duty this coming Sunday is: Ken Scott

Choir Practice

Choir Practices are suspended for the time being.

Memory Lane

Our Dementia Support Group will have its fortnightly gathering in the church hall this coming Wednesday from 1 pm until 3 pm. This week’s sing song will feature the greatest hits from the musicals.

Away Giving Collection

This Sunday, being the last in the month, all our giving in the open plate will go straight to our current away giving campaign in support of CHAS (Childrens Hospice Association Scotland). Please give as generously as you can to what is an excellent cause.

Christian Aid Envelopes

A reminder that, if you took away a Christian Aid Envelope two Sundays ago, you should return it – filled – this Sunday. Please leave your envelope on the big brass plate on the table at the back of the church. Thank you.

Confirmations & Receptions

In June of this year I shall be celebrating the silver jubilee of my ordination to the priesthood. Bishop Kevin has agreed to come to Christ Church to conduct a service of confirmation and reception for anyone in the congregation who would like to be formally received into the church. If you would be interested in joining a preparation class, add your name to the list on the table at the back of the church. I will get back to you with possible dates for meetings.

Bishop’s Visit on 9 June

To help celebrate with our candidates for confirmation and reception and me on the silver jubilee of my ordination to the priesthood we are holding a special, fully catered lunch in the hall after the Sung Eucharist at on 9 June. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church if you intend to attend the lunch and indicate your preference for Ham or Chicken. Thank you.

Brunch & Browse

Please pick up a flyer from the table at the back of the church for our new Brunch & Browse initiative. If you intend to come along to the next meeting on Thursday 30 May (12 noon until 1.15), please add your name to the sign up sheet next to the flyers so that the organisers know how many to cater for.

Painting of the Church

The Church and Choir Vestry are going to be painted in the course of the week. In order to make it easy for the painters to come in and do their work we are looking for volunteers to help strip the church and redress it on the following days. Sunday 26 May after the Sung Eucharist (to strip), Saturday 8 June from 1 pm onwards) (to redress and deep clean in readiness for the bishop’s visit the next day). Please sign up on the sheets on the table at the back. Thank you.

New Daylight Bible Reading Notes

The next edition of the notes is due out very soon. If you wish to receive a copy, add your name to the sheet at the back of the church.


We are currently looking for someone in the congregation to volunteer to cut the grass in the church garden. Alan Comrie did this for many years but is no longer able to do so. Please let the Rector know if you would like to be Alan’s replacement.

Away Giving

In the year ahead the remaining recipients of our Away Giving will be: CHAS, Clydesdale Foodbank and Neuroendocrine Research.


When she is with us on Sundays The Revd Liz Clelland will offer pastoral prayer in the Memorial Chapel after the Sung Eucharist to individuals who would like it.

Provincial Online Services

If you are unable to attend church but would like to engage in some kind of worship, click on the link below for access to the Provincial Online Service which is highlighted on the right-hand side of the “Home” page