Notices for Sunday – 23 February 2025 (Epiphany 7) – and for the coming week.

Feb 21, 2025


Sunday 23 February 2025 – 10.30 am – Sung Eucharist (Epiphany 7) (Lanark)

Teas and Coffees will be served in the hall after the service.  All welcome.


The monthly Eucharist Service in Holy Trinity Chapel, Lamington remains cancelled until further notice.

President & Preacher

This Sunday Drew will preside and John Wilcox will preach.

Steward on duty at Christ Church Lanark

This Sunday the Steward on duty will be: Ken Scott. 

Away Giving Collection

This Sunday, being the last in the month, all our giving in the open plate will be ringfenced for us current Away Giving Campaign in support of the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.

Autumn Ladies

The Ladies will meet on Wednesday from 2 pm until 4 pm in the church hall.  Members are reminded to bring their collected bottle tops and stamps for Pathfinder Dogs.

Hall Use This Week

Sunday 23 February – Lanark Young Farmers – 3 pm until 10 pm.  

Tuesday 25 February – Lecture – 6.30 pm until 9.30 pm.

Wednesday 26 February – Autumn Ladies – 2 pm until 4 pm.

Wednesday 26 February – Lanark Young Farmers – 7 pm until 10 pm.

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 4 March – Pancake Party – Church Hall – 5 pm until 7 pm.

Saturday 8 March – Memory Lane Winter Warmer – Church Hall – 11.30 am until 2 pm.

Sunday 9 March – Soupa Sunday – Church Hall – After the Sung Eucharist.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            World Day of Prayer Service

Friday 7 March, 10.30 am, St Nicholas Parish Church, Lanark.  All welcome.

Diocesan Synod

Your clergy and Lay Representative will be spending Saturday 22 February in Kilmarnock attending Diocesan Synod. 

Apres Service Refreshments

We are looking for new recruits to make teas and coffees after the Sung Eucharist on Sundays. If you would like to get involved, please speak to Morag Hobbs, who will be happy to add your name to the rota. 

Prayer Tree

We now have a prayer tree in the church hall.  If you would like someone or something to be prayed for, please write your petition on the hearts provided and place it on the tree.  Your prayer will be prayed for in church.

Situation Vacant

We still have one vacancy to fill – that of Hall Convener.  If you would be interested in finding out more about the position, please, please, please speak to the Rector at your earliest convenience!!! (Note the hint of desperation there!) 


When she is with us on Sundays The Revd Liz Clelland will offer pastoral prayer in the Memorial Chapel after the Sung Eucharist to individuals who would like it.

Provincial Online Services

If you are unable to attend church but would like to engage in some kind of worship, click on the link below for access to the Provincial Online Service which is highlighted on the right-hand side of the “Home” page