News in the Pews

Nov 20, 2023

Congratulations and Very Best Wishes to Joyce Moody and Margaret
Hannah on becoming octogenarians. Ad multos annos.

Our Harvest Festival this year was a roaring success. Many thanks for
the generous amount of easy-open, ring-pull tins you brought in for
donation to Clydesdale Foodbank and for the wonderful bring and share
lunch organised by our new Social Committee. A good time was had by

On Advent Sunday (Sunday 3 December) the Social Committee will be
holding the first of two “Soupa” Sundays after the Sung Eucharist. (The
next will be on the First Sunday of Lent). As the name suggests soup will
be served in the hall after the service in addition to the usual teas and
coffees. All welcome.

More thanks to all of you who have contributed a shoebox for this year’s
Blythwood Shoebox Appeal. Never have there been so many boxes.
Well done to Margaret Hannah for organising this once again.

Happy Retirement!

Happy Retirement!

Bobby (Burgon) has now retired after 11 years as Diocesan Treasurer. The job involved looking after Diocesan accounts and...