News in the Pews

Nov 26, 2024

The AGM of 2024 passed off without incident. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the AGM Document and Annual Accounts. We hope you enjoyed reading about all the good that is happening in Christ Church Lanark and Holy Trinity Lamington. Pray for our continuing development and prosperity.

This year’s Blythswood Shoebox Collection was a bumper one. We were blown away by your commitment to this wonderful charity and by your generosity. Many thanks to all who completed a box.

Clydesdale Foodbank in Carluke wrote to thank us at Christ Church for the cheque in the sum of £380 and the bags of easy-open, ring-pull tins that we donated after our Harvest Festival. They were very grateful to us for our generosity.

In January 2025 the episcopal electoral process moves into the next stage. On Saturday 11 January clergy and lay electors will meet the short leet of candidates to hear about their vision for the Diocese and to have the opportunity to pose questions. A week later, on Saturday 18 January the electoral synod will convene again to vote. Please keep the process in your prayers.

Lanarkshire Regional Council is planning a regional 9 Lessons and Carols Service at St Andrew’s Church Uddingston on Sunday 8 December at 7.30 pm. All welcome.

The First Sunday in Advent (Sunday 1 December) will be a “Soupa Sunday”, with various soups on offer over the hall after the morning Sung Eucharist.

We have a new “Prayer Tree” in the church hall. If you’d like prayers to be said, write your petition on the tickets provided and hang it on the tree. Some of your petitions will be prayed at Morning and Evening Prayer; others will appear in the Sunday Intercessions.

Happy Retirement!

Happy Retirement!

Bobby (Burgon) has now retired after 11 years as Diocesan Treasurer. The job involved looking after Diocesan accounts and...