On Tuesday 14 June Christ Church was full to overflowing with Christ Church members, representatives of the local community, many friends, relatives and fellow priests who came along to welcome Drew to his new charge in Lanark. The Right Revd Dr Gregor Duncan, Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway, read the oaths and the Constitution of the Charge to Rev Canon Drew Sheridan before Drew signed the Constitution and Deed of Institution and pledged to care for the community at Christ Church, Lanark and to share in ministry with them and with the community of Lanark. As the procession of clergy left the church at the end of the service they lined up on the footpath while the Bishop gave the final blessing.
Following a wonderful service, everyone retired to the church hall for refreshments and a slice of Doreen’s superb cake.
- Clergy process into church
- The presentation of Fr Drew by Bobby, the Lay Reader, and Rachel, the Lay Representative
- The Bishop reads the oaths and the Constitution of the Charge
- Drew signs the Constitution
- Bobby presents a bible
- Sheila presents the oil of healing
- Susan presents a copy of the Daily Prayer
- Anne and Sylvia present bread and wine
- Jamie presents the Key to the church
- Rev Bryan Kerr invites Drew to join with all who minister in Christ’s name in Lanark
- Doreen presents a stole
- Bishop Gregor seating Drew as Rector of Christ Church
- Bishop Gregor and Drew celebrating the Eucharist
- Bishop Gregor gives the final blessing
- Bobby, Drew, the Bishop and Richard
- Richard, Drew, the Bishop and Bobby after the service
- The musicians who played so beautifully
- The Bishop enjoys his cake
- Doreen with the Rev Sally who helped us such a lot during the vacancy
- Everyone enjoyed the reception
- Doreen’s beautiful cake
- Drew thanks Doreen for her work of art
- The Sheridan family cut the cake
- Local ‘worthies’
- Dr Jamie dishes out the bubbly