Away Giving
The collection for Quarter3 has raised £600 for Maggie’s Centre. Final quarter of 2023 collections will go to The...
The collection for Quarter3 has raised £600 for Maggie’s Centre. Final quarter of 2023 collections will go to The...
Services Christ Church Lanark – Sunday 26 November (Christ the King) – 10.30 am – Sung...
The magazine subscriptions for 2024 are now due. The cost of 7 magazines including postage is £16. A form is included...
Rev Liz and Irene H are walking #stcuthbertsway from Melrose to Lindisfarne during Holy Week. You can follow their...
Many in the UK today – many in Lanark – describe themselves as spiritual but not religious. Maybe it’s how you respond when asked about your views. It’s good that many are still open-minded when it comes to the big questions. It shows that culture isn’t satisfied with the message that reality consists only of what can be seen, touched and measured in a science lab.
I was asked recently how I find words to say when someone tells me, as their priest, they’ve just been diagnosed with...