Autumn Ladies resumed on the 15th January in the Church Hall and it was great to see some new faces. If you would like to join us, just pop along for one afternoon if there is something you would like to participate in eg our craft afternoons.
We have a good selection of speakers and crafts again this year:
- 29th Jan. Drones.
- 12th Feb. Surprise afternoon.
- 26th Feb. Pathfinder Dogs.
- 12th March, Felt workshop.
- 26th March, Easter Flowers.
- 9th April, Easter Story in Paintings.
- 23rd April, Scott’s Jams.
- 7th May, Life Stories.
- 21st May, Salt.
- 4th June, Trip.
As you can see we have a variety of afternoons lined up. Join us for a hot cup of tea and cake in the cold winter months ahead.