Lanark Wombles: We organise regular community litter picks to keep our wonderful town clean from rubbish. Follow ‘Lanark Wombles‘ on Facebook or contact us for further information.
Services Sunday 16 March 2025 – 10.30 am – Sung Eucharist (Lent 2) (Lanark) Teas and Coffees will be served in...
Services Sunday 9 March 2025 – 10.30 am – Sung Eucharist (Lent 1) (Lanark) Teas and Coffees will be served in...
It's a busy week with lots on, so take note and join in when and where you can. Services Sunday 2 March 2025 –...
Why do we have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day, as we call it today? And what is Shrove Tuesday? And why do...
As part of our novitiate formation for monastic life, we aspiring monks were all taught to think of the present moment...
Autumn Ladies resumed on the 15th January in the Church Hall and it was great to see some new faces. If you would like...